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Ashmead School

Ashmead provides its children with two everlasting things, one is roots, the other wings.

Athletics District

Wednesday 5th July 2023

We had a fantastic time at Stoke Mandeville athletics track competing in a range of events such as shot put, long jump, sprints and long distance races.

In total, 30 children from Year 3-6 represented Ashmead Athletics Team.


Overall, Ashmead Combined School came 6th laugh


Shot putAleck (2nd)   Taylor (2nd)   Summer (8th)    Emmi (7th
Long JumpNatan (4th)   Lacie-Maii (8th)   Kella (7th)
60m sprintAdam (3rd)      Mia  (8th)         Joshua (6th)      Aubrey (3rd
80m sprintShane (5th)      Niamh (7th)     Logan (8th)      Edie (7th
600m Jake (5th)      Sophie (10th
800mTyler (11th)      Islay (5th
4 x 100m (Year 3/4) BJoshua, Jaiden-Jack, Taylor, Liam (5th)     
4 x 100m (Year 3/4) GHira, Kella, Aubrey, Scarlett  (4th
4 x 100m (Year 5/6) BJude, Logan, Jaymie, Kamsi  (4th)
4 x 100m (Year 5/6) GHanna, Emily, Aamina, Edie  (7th)

