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Ashmead School

Ashmead provides its children with two everlasting things, one is roots, the other wings.

After School Sports Clubs

This term, Year 2 children will have the opportunity to participate in a before school sport club.


Year 2

Cross Country: Friday AM (8-8:30am meet at the playground gate) All Autumn term

- your child will need to be dressed ready to run! Please remember to pack their school uniform in their school bag. Toast will be provided with consent. If you have not given permission for toast, please check Parentmail.


Please check Parentmail for information regarding the clubs e.g. if they are cancelled due to bad weather. If you have not received a Parentmail to confirm your child's place in a club, please be assured that they are on the waiting list.


Other ways to keep active at home:

Go Noodle is a fun, engaging website that offers guided dance, Zumba and fitness. You can create a log in using your email address free of charge to use at home! Just click on this web link: 

Danny Go! youtube videos - fun, educational dances and songs to join in with
