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COVID Catch-Up Premium



Ashmead School Catch-Up Premium Plan 2021/22


Children and young people across the country have experienced unprecedented disruption to their education as a result of coronavirus (COVID-19). Those from the most vulnerable and disadvantaged backgrounds will be among those hardest hit. The aggregate impact of lost time in education will be substantial, and the scale of our response must match the scale of the challenge.

Schools’ allocations have been calculated on a per pupil basis, providing each mainstream school with a total of £80 for each pupil from Reception through to 6.

As the catch-up premium has been designed to mitigate the effects of the unique disruption caused by coronavirus (COVID-19), the grant will only be available for the 2020 to 2021 academic year. It will not be added to schools’ baselines in calculating future years’ funding allocations.

To support schools to make the best use of this funding, the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) has published a coronavirus (COVID-19) support guide for schools with evidence-based approaches to catch up for all students. 


The EEF advises the following:

Teaching and whole school strategies

  •  Supporting great teaching
  • Pupil assessment and feedback
  • Transition support

Targeted approaches

  • One to one and small group work
  • Intervention programmes

Wider strategies

  • Supporting parent and carers
  • Access to technology
  • Supporting Pupil Well-Being and Mental Health


Alongside this, key skills for each of the core subjects (Reading, Writing and Mathematics) will be a focus for teaching, ensuring teacher understanding of where pupils were attaining and the need to teach progressively from a lower starting point in order to ensure there are no gaps in learning and children’s needs are securely addressed.


How will the School identify gaps in pupils Learning?

We will use pupil assessment data from Spring 2 2020 (pre-Lockdown) and Spring 2 2021 (post lockdown) as a starting point to measure the impact of COVID-19 on pupils learning. Attainment will be compared at these two assessment points, to illustrate the impact that school closure has had on attainment. Pupils attainment is measured against age related expectations and identifies if children are working Above, At, Below or Significantly Below the expectation for their age in Reading, Writing and Maths.


Pupils attainment at Spring 2021Suggested Catch up Approach based on attainment

Category 1 Pupils

Pupils have maintained age expected attainment

Pupil has made at least expected progress during Lockdown and therefore requires nothing additional.

Category 2 Pupils

Pupils are attaining just Below Expected

(These pupils have been assessed as just below Expected at Spring 21, and are Targeted for Catch up within 1 terms by the end of the academic year)

Attainment for these pupils is slightly below expectation. Pupils will be identified to teachers as ‘focus’ and catch up will be targeted and addressed at a class level during the Summer Term 2021, with the intention of eliminating any gap by the end of the academic year

Category 3 Pupils

Pupils are attaining Below Expected

(These pupils have been assessed as below Expected at Spring 21, and are Targeted for Catch up within 4 terms)

Pupils will be identified as focus pupils within the classroom. Pupils may require some additional individual interventions both during the school day and at home. Provision for these pupils may be supported through staff restructuring to reduce learning ratios, additional interventions (including Reading Eggs/Nessy), Booster/Tuition Groups (both in and out of school hours)

Catch-up for these pupils will be targeted for up to four terms – therefore it is intended that pupils will have achieved the Expected standard by the end of next academic Year 2021/22

Category 4 pupils

Pupils are Significantly Below Expected

All of these pupils should have SEN Support Plans and any who have slipped from Below to Significantly Below during lock down will be catered for alongside Category 3 Pupils

These pupils will continue to receive additional individual interventions as identified on their support plans.

This may include:-

1:1 adult support

additional online learning content (Nessy/Reading Eggs/TT Rock Stars/ Maths Factor/ Active Learn inc. Bug Club/ My Maths)

Booster Tuition sessions

Small Group Focussed Teaching (in school)

Support from Outside Professionals



The Schools approach to catch-up will involve all of the following:-

A). Re-deployment of staff to impact fast track progress in class, and professionally develop quality of teaching for all.

B). Daily Online catch-up for Pupils in EY, Year 1 & Year 2 through the introduction of Reading Eggs (Phonics & Reading) & Maths Factor (Maths)

C). Targeted Tuition & Booster programs both in and outside term time

D). Support for Pupil Well-Being and Emotional Development


IN SCHOOL Catch-Up Provision

Staff Re-organisation & re-deployment

  • Additional Classes in some Year Groups - The School has created a fourth class in Year 5 as part of a targeted 4-term catch-up program for Year 5 children to ensure that all pupils who can reach the Expected Standard before leaving the primary phase of education.
  • Supporting Quality Teaching through a Team Teach Principle – classes in EY/ Year 1 & Year 5 have additional qualified Teachers in the classroom for large parts of the week, making the provision more effective for pupils by improving the ratio and quality of teaching and thus supporting catch-up whilst also developing quality first teaching as part of a share and develop practice principle. Quality first teaching is made possible through positive and motivational relationships between teachers and children. Smaller groups of children in each class for specific, identified subjects will enhance these relationships and allow teachers to target more closely the gaps and enable children to begin the process of catch up back to specific age related norms.
  • Phonics Booster sessions in Early Years & Year 1 delivered by additional Teachers
  • Introduction of a part-time Trained Counsellor to support the ongoing emotional development and Mental-Health needs of pupils which will in turn help them to catch-up academically.
ADDITIONAL (online) Catch-Up Programs Provision

Children will have greater opportunities to access learning at home. Home-learning opportunities will not always require parents to engage with the activities, affording

the children greater independence and increasing the likelihood that parents can sustain home-learning.

  • We aim to ensure that all pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 have access to a laptop/tablet at home
  • All pupils in Reception and KS1 will have access to the Reading Eggs program
  • Additional pupils will be added to the Nessy Program, which targets improvement in essential spelling and Reading skills.

Booster/Tuition Provision


  • Booster Tuition for Individual and or Group for identified pupils at the start or end of each day.
  • Saturday School – Identified pupils to receive booster sessions on a Saturday morning for catch-up in Reading, Writing, Maths, Times Tables or Phonics?
  • Summer school – Catch up booster sessions during the Summer Holiday for identified pupils. These sessions will be in 2 week blocks for Maths, Reading, Writing or Phonics?



Government Funded catch up

Academic YearFunding Received from Government Specifically to support COVID Catch-up
2020-2022Total Funding Received £50,160


Academic Year 2020/21

Time Period InterventionFunding AllocatedIntent Impact
Nov 20 – March 21 Member of staff to Manage and Organise devices for home use during National Lock-down£12,930

By ensuring that all pupils in all Year groups could access necessary technology at home during Lock-down, the school hoped to minimise the impact of school closure on pupils learning.

During the lockdown period, as well as continued online learning via Tapestry, we were able to support children at home by: loaning out 75 laptops (helping a total of 87 children), supporting the implementation of 9 routers and 1 additional data bundle, provide 44 work packs and secure 18 Springboard Grants which meant that 18 of our pupils received their own laptops.
April 21- July 21Access to Reading Eggs for pupils from Nursery – Year 2£2,109To boost pupils Reading and Phonic knowledge by giving Pupils from EY – Year 2  access to Reading Eggs in addition to provision provided at school To be reported post July 2021
April 21-July 21Additional Teacher to create a 4th Year 5 class£11,380By creating a fourth class in Year 5 the school aims to enable catch up for the Year group with the least time to catch-up before leaving the Primary Phase of education. The number of pupils in each class is significantly reduced (approx.20) thus making catch-up across the summer term more individually focussed and effectiveTo be reported post July 2021
April 21-July 21Member of staff (0.25) to manage and organise the use of computer technology £2,586To allocate devices to support catch-up both in school and at home. These devices will be used to access Nessy (which supports individual learning interventions to support catch up), Reading Eggs & Maths Factor, all of which the school has purchased to support accelerated catch up.To be reported post July 2021


Academic Year 2021/22

Time Period Intervention Funding AllocatedIntent Impact
Sept 21- March 22Targeted Tuition and Booster Groups. £6760Using attainment & Progress data from the end of Summer term, we will allocate Booster Tuition to pupils. This additional catch-up provision will be offered to identified pupils during the Summer Holiday and or Autumn Term 2021, and will initially focus on pupils currently in Years 3 & 4. To be reported post July 2021
Sept 21 – March 22Additional Teacher (0.5) to create a 4th Year 6 class£9957.50By creating a fourth class in Year 6 the school aims to focus on pupils catching up and achieving the Expected Standard before leaving the Primary Phase of education. To be reported post July 2021
Sept 21 – March 22Addition of a part time (0.5) counsellor for pupils£4182.50To support well-being and positive mind-set, through the re-introduction of a pupil counsellor. To be reported post July 2021

