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Ashmead School

Ashmead provides its children with two everlasting things, one is roots, the other wings.


Year 3 and 4 Spellings


We are changing the way children learn spellings this year in order to support children who struggle with the anxiety of a test but also to enable us to challenge confident spellers. Spellings will be 'taught' instead of 'tested' each week. Children will have a new 'spelling rule' to focus on each week and this will be taught in a variety of different ways and will consist of at least four sessions:


  • Session one - Introduction of a new spelling rule and a new word list
  • Session two - a quiz which is completed on the Laptops using the Purple Mash website
  • Session three - LCSWC - a session of Look, Cover, Say, Write, Check. This may be part of a Handwriting session.
  • Session four - Dictation - The teacher will dictate the word in a sentence for the children to practise spelling


It is always encouraged that children also spend time learning spelling words at home. Below you can find the word lists and rules that children will learn each week so you can also offer them extra spelling support at home.

Your child can also access the spelling activities on the Purple Mash website.
