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Ashmead School

Ashmead provides its children with two everlasting things, one is roots, the other wings.

Year 6

An outstanding piece of work William. Well done!

Your 'Come dine with me' evening sounds wonderful William!

Great work at home Elyse - Well done!

A very powerful and current presentation Zaid - Great work!

Great work Queenie! Thank you for sharing

Happy Eid Zaid. Those cookies and brownies look delicious!

Great to see that winning smile again Archie! Good work at home. Thank you for sharing.

Love this work 'Firefighter Harrison!' Well done!

What a fantastic biography on David Attenborough - Top marks Bobby!

The crystal growing looks really interesting Bobby and what a lovely rainbow - Well done!

Thank you for sharing some of your work Jamie

Excellent Team Work Lewis and Chloe! Thank you for sharing.
