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Ashmead School

Ashmead provides its children with two everlasting things, one is roots, the other wings.

Ashmead PTA

Committee members

Janey Schreiber, Laura Mentiply, Laura Ansell-McKnight, Lauren Tucker, Sarah White


Event volunteers

Rachael Cutler, Karen Ringrow, Kim Longley, Geraldine Whitlam, Emma Grounsell, Louise Saville, Jo Cook, Claire Price.

Why do we have a PTA?


We are fortunate at our school to have a PTA that has been a part of the school community for nearly 30 years. We raise funds which over the years have been spent on equipment and resources to enhance our children’s educational experience, as well as the school’s facilities.


Ashmead PTA is a charity organisation that exists to provide a closer link between home and school. It is an excellent way to bring staff, parents and friends together socially in support of the school, working towards a common goal.


All families automatically become members of Ashmead PTA when their child joins our school. We are all volunteers and how active a member you choose to be is up to you! All parents and members of the school community are encouraged to get involved, even if they only have a small amount of time available. From attending fundraising events, baking cakes, volunteering to help at an event or taking the plunge and joining the committee, we are extremely grateful for the support from all of our families.


Everyone is welcome to attend the regular meetings to find out about us, there’s no obligation. Extra pairs of hands are always welcome. The PTA events are organised by a small committee and run by a network of parents/teachers who are all volunteers. We try to utilise our volunteers existing skills, passions and links where we can so please speak up if you have anything that would benefit the PTA.

How do we raise money?


Like most PTAs, the majority of our funds are raised through the events that we run. Some of our popular events are:

  • Easter Egg hunt
  • Summer Fete
  • Discos


  • Mad May coin challenge
  • Film Nights
  • Christmas Fayre


We raise money in other ways too, through grants or funding, uniform sales, raffles and pop-up shops. 


How do we spend the money that we raise?


The monies raised are always spent on things that will directly benefit the children. Each year group is allocated an amount annually that is often used to subsidise the cost of school trips. In recent years we have also bought IPADs for the school, contributed to the MUGA resurfacing, provided KS1 reading for pleasure books (through a successful grant application), provided Jubilee party entertainment, paid for Year 6 prom celebrations and much more.

How to engage


Please join our Facebook group *New Ashmead School PTA* for regular updates. Also, pop along to a regular meeting advertised on Parent Mail for tea, biscuits and to find out more. Our email is


An easy way for everyone to help without a time commitment is to add Ashmead PTA as your charity of choice on easyfundraising, the UK’s biggest charity shopping site. Start your on-line shopping on their website/app and 7,000 brands will donate including Tesco, Argos, Just Eat, Tui, eBay, Boots and Sky. Ashmead PTA receives a small percentage from easyfundraising at no cost to you, when you shop, so everyone's a winner!


NB Amazon Smile is no longer running.

Highlights from Ashmead Staff vs Parents Football

Highlights from Ashmead Tigers vs. Ashmead Staff

Highlights from the School Disco

Highlights from Christmas Crafternoon 2022

A great time was had by all at the parents vs teachers football match yesterday. Well done to the teachers who were the winners on this occasion!

Huge thanks to Hartwell Garden Centre for kindly donating this beautiful tree to Ashmead Combined School. It was planted by The Gardening Club as part of The Queens Green Canopy to mark Her Majesty's Platinum Jubilee.

What a fantastic day!

Fantastic Jubilee Celebrations

Still image for this video

Well done Edmund on the winning design for the PTA logo

The Easter Bunny visits Ashmead much to the delight of the children
