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Ashmead School

Ashmead provides its children with two everlasting things, one is roots, the other wings.

Ashmead's Ethos

Our aim is for all children to be successful learners and we recognise that a happy, positive outlook, free from worries or concerns, is central to this. We encourage the children to talk to a member of staff if there is something troubling them.

We offer 1:1 Pastoral Support Sessions in school, as well as Miss Lubbock & Ms Fernandez being available for 1:1 sessions with children. If you feel this might be needed, then do speak to your child’s class teacher, or call the Office to speak with Miss Lubbock.


Children are undoubtedly affected by anything that affects their family.  We invite you, the parent, to approach us if you think we can be of help. Often, an initial conversation is a good starting point to tackling a problem and, if the school itself is unable to help directly, then we have strong links with other agencies and support services with whom we can put you in touch.


More information on this can be found on our 'External Support' page. 




    We are fully committed to making our school a place where our children feel safe from

    harm, abuse, neglect, bullying, discrimination and harassment.  


    Through our Jigsaw PSHE curriculum, we will address these themes, along with all Protective Behaviours, with our pupils, prompt them to think about what to do to keep themselves safe, and to consider who they could turn to for support. 


    To ensure a safe environment for our pupils, we:

    • Follow accepted procedures for Safer Recruitment
    • Provide safeguarding training for everyone who comes into contact with pupils including staff, volunteers, and  regular visitors
    • Ensure that all staff, volunteers, and regular visitors understand that Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility (Working Together to Safeguard Children, 2022, Department for Education) and are aware of the process to follow if they have a concern for a child.  This is explained in our Child Protection Policy (See Policies section on website; printed copy to read available at the School Office).
    • Seek help or advice from other specialist agencies if we believe that it is in the best interests of the child. We will always try to include the parents in any decisions we make though in circumstances where a child’s safety is concerned, we may have to go ahead with this without the consent of parents.