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Ashmead School

Ashmead provides its children with two everlasting things, one is roots, the other wings.

Week 7

The Police Service

This week, we invited Thames Valley Police to show us lots of things all to do with the police service. We got to take our own fingerprints, learn how to investigate a crime scene and we even got to see a police car! The flashing lights were so bright and the sirens were very loud. Because we were so lucky, we were allowed to sit in the police car too! 


Keep scrolling down to see the Fire photos!

Police Siren

Still image for this video
It's noisy!

The Fire Service

We were also so lucky to have met and seen real life fire fighters! They had to park their fire engine on the playground just in case they received a 999 call. Luckily for us, they stayed with us all morning.

The fire fighters told us all about the equipment that is stored on the fire engine which included lots of ladders, pop out cones, medical bags, ropes and even cutters that can cut through metal!

Fire siren noise

Still image for this video
It's even noisier!