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Ashmead School

Ashmead provides its children with two everlasting things, one is roots, the other wings.



In years 5/6 Writing is taught for one hour every morning and they have a half an hour reading session before lunch. 



Each week the children will receive some English homework and have been given English Homework Folder (Year 5) or CGP exercise book (Year 6). Their homework may be in the form of a SPAG activity (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) or it could be a piece of creative writing. Homework may be set online using the Purple Mash website or it may be a sheet that will contained in their homework folder. The children's logins for Purple Mash can be found on the front of their English Homework Folder or in their Reading Record. Homework is given out on a Friday and is expected to be handed in by the following Wednesday.



Children are also given a library book, a targeted reading book (if are on the stages) and a reading record to track their reading progress throughout the year. They are then awarded certificates for any reading they do at home. Information about the different certificates can be found in the front of their reading record.


Within reading sessions at school the children will learn comprehension skills and look at different genres of text. Extra practice of comprehension is encouraged at home through the use of Purple Mash and the questions sheets which can be found in the front of their reading records.



Writing Curriculum Expectations
