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Ashmead School

Ashmead provides its children with two everlasting things, one is roots, the other wings.

Healthy Active Lifestyle Diaries

Healthy Active Lifestyle Diaries


We are continuing to promote a Healthy Active lifestyle for the children both in school and at home. The children have each taken home a Bronze active lifestyle diary. Inside the diary, there are a number of boxes that the children can mark off or colour in when they have completed 30 minutes of activity. When the entire diary has been filled in, the children can bring their diary to school and then they will be issued with a new diary and a badge!


Bronze: 50 hours (100 boxes)

Silver: 75 hours (150 boxes)

Gold: 100 hours (200 boxes)

How active is our school?

Lots of you have been incredibly active so far this Autumn Term.
Well done to you if you have already earned your Bronze or Silver. The table below shows you how active each year group is. Well done to Year 3, you are the most active children in the school so far this term!

Year 1   
Year 23  
Year 381 
Year 46  
Year 54  
Year 64  


5% of the school


Updated October 2023

What websites can my child (and I) use to keep active?


Find "Joe Wicks" on YouTube to follow his workouts                         Join GoNoodle for free!  suitable for all ages
